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What is Teflon Tube
发表时间:2022-08-10     阅读次数:     字体:【

Teflon pipe is a special pipe made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE commonly known as Teflon, plastic king) material after extrusion and sintering, drying, high temperature sintering, shaping and other processes. Teflon is also called Teflon, Teflon, Teflon, Teflon, Teflon, PTFE, Plastic King, Teflon in English, widely used in machinery, electronic appliances, automobiles, aerospace, chemical industry , computer, electric heating, military, communications and other important technology industries, such as micro-transformers.


1.High chemical stability: can withstand all strong acids, including aqua regia, hydrofluoric acid, concentrated hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, oleum, organic acids, etc., strong bases, strong oxidants, reducing agents and various organic solvents. . Ideal for high-purity chemical feeds.

2.Low friction coefficient: the friction coefficient is generally only 0.04, which is a very excellent self-lubricating material, and the friction coefficient does not change with the change of temperature.

3.Excellent anti-adhesion, the inner wall of the tube is not easy to adhere to colloids and chemicals.

4.Excellent aging resistance, can be used outdoors for a long time.

5.Excellent electrical insulating properties: PTFE is a highly non-polar material with good dielectric properties, great resistance, and a dielectric constant of about 2.0, which is the smallest among all electrical insulating materials.

6.The transparency of some tubes is high, and the internal fluid condition can be easily observed.

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